Saturday, May 2, 2009

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Big Times at O'Toole's

Emily Avesian will join The Happy Lucky Combo, again, at O'Toole's.  That's tonight, Wednesday April 29, 8 until 10:30 PM. 

Last week we were  also joined by Nick Lewis.  He says he'll be by later tonight.

Who knows who else might come by?

Richard Grossman is bringing his crew of NCAA fans and it is rumored that another entourage might wander in.

The "Southside Economic Stimulus Package" has been stocked with special Prizes.

Thank you Tom Campagnoli for the photos from last week. To see Tom's blog click here Kozmicdogz Breaks Loose.

Hey, our Facebook fan page passed 400 this week. Click HERE. Thanks Micol for "administering" the fan page.

And our Popidiot video is almost at 1000. 10 more hits to go. Click HERE.

We slowly progress at Southside speed. (not to be confused with Southside Speedway) Hope to have a recording available soon.